Erica Fokens "blog tagged" me! This is my first time. I'm supposed to tell 5 random things about me:
1) I'll copy Erica and tell you one of my biggest pet peeves....drivers not using their blinkers. Drives me nuts! How hard is it to put on your blinker and let me know you're turning?! :) Other pet peeve....people wearing their sunglasses inside. I think I could do a whole blog on pet peeves!!
2) I absolutely hate tomatoes! I think it's the texture I don't like.
3) I love to go to concerts. Here's my list (I'm sure other people's are longer): Aerosmith, George Strait Music Festival (had lots of artists there), Vince Gill, Steely Dan, Third Day, Alanis Morissette (back in the day), Elton John/Billy Joel, The Police, Don Henley, The Eagles (3 times), Tim McGraw (6 times, 2 of those with Faith Hill)
4) My dad played major league baseball.
5) I own 70 to 80 pairs of shoes. (I like buying shoes more than clothes.)
And now I tag: Allison, Tawnya, Leslie, & Kim