Thursday, July 10, 2008

No Jackson Yet!

I know! I know! No Jackson and I haven't done well with keeping everyone updated. So, here is the update. I am being induced tomorrow. We tried to give Jackson a few extra days to see if he would make his appearance on his own. Guess not! We're hoping this is some sort of sign of his personality - laid back! Anyways, we are calling the hospital tomorrow at 5pm to see if they have an open room for us. If not, we just keep calling back until they do. I'll go in and they will give me Cervidil for 12 hours (unless labor were to start earlier). Then, they'll start labor (with Pitocin). So, hopefully he will be born on Saturday. If not Saturday, definitely by Sunday! Guess that's about it. I'll try to keep the blog updated as best I can. We'll have our laptop at the hospital so Chad may be giving some updates. Thanks for all the prayers!

Oh...I had to include some pictures from today. Anna helped me make a "Birthday cake" for Jackson. Any excuse to make a cake, right?!


The Fokens Family said...

C'mon Jackson..we're anxious to meet you! Did Anna or mommy eat the birthday cake?

Ali said...

oh the cake looks so yummy! take it to the hospital with you :)
Love to you all! Ali

Tawnya said...

Anna is so cute! I hope you guys are welcoming Jackson into the world by now! Can't wait to hear the good news!!