Monday, August 18, 2008

One Month Old

I can't believe Jackson turned one month old last Tuesday. Time sure flies! It has been a great month. It's been exciting to watch Anna become a big sister....and a loving one at that! It's been fun to watch Jackson change and grow (a lot) everyday. He has even started to give us those first smiles....they sure melt your heart....and they make you forget about how little sleep you got the night before!
I am going to follow in the footsteps of some of my friends and take a monthly picture of Jackson in the rocker. This way I'll see how much he grows and changes each month. I took his one month picture the other day as well as some are some of my favorites.....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Couple More Highlights From Last Week

I forgot to include a couple of things from last week in my previous post. Last Wednesday night we moved Jackson from the bassinet in our room to his crib in his room. This may not seem like too big of a deal to some people....some start their babies off the first night in their own cribs but we (and by "we", I mean me) kept Anna in our room for the first 9 weeks. I was surprised that I was ready to move Jackson in his own room so early. It's funny how things are so different with the second baby! I remember the first time Anna slept longer than 4 hours at night....I woke up wondering, "Is she still alive?" Jackson slept 6 hours the other night and I woke up hoping for another hour or two! :) (For the record I was extremely grateful for those unexpected 6 hours!)
Last Saturday night our power went out from the awful storm so I decided to take Anna to Target (her favorite) and leave Jackson at home with Chad. It was nice to have Mommy and Anna time. I could give her all my attention. We got a fun snack and picked out some things to do crafts at home. Neither one of us had been to Target in awhile and we're used to going at least every other day!!! Guess we finally got our Target fix.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Last Week

Ok...I know I have some catching up to do. Here is a run-down of last week (warning: it is long):

Last Sunday night Jackson and I went with Chad and Anna to church. It was our first outing (besides the doctor) since his arrival. It felt so good to put on make-up, blow-dry my hair, and put on clothes that weren't maternity or have an elastic waist band! Jackson did great during church. Slept half the time and then we were in the nursing room. But they have a TV in there so I could still watch the service. It was just so nice to get out and see some familiar faces and have a couple of adult conversations!

Last Monday Anna went to Aunt Whitney's for the day to play with her cousin Brooks. From what Whitney said Anna was a good girl and had a blast playing with Brooks. It is so nice and such a blessing to have family that lives in town. Thanks to Aunt Whitney for being so sweet and taking on Anna for the day!

Last Tuesday Anna went to Kristy Dorminy's house for half the day to play with Ruby and Molly. Anna loves Ruby and Molly....she sees them at church every Sunday and they love to run around! Kristy was so sweet to invite Anna over to play with her girls. And anytime I just have Jackson it feels like a little break! Who would think that taking care of one child would feel like a break?!
On Wednesday Erica and Miller came over for a visit. Miller is getting so big and it's so fun to watch he and Anna play together. It seems the older he gets the more the age gap narrows. It was so nice to get to talk and catch up with Erica...although there never seems to be enough time to catch up as much as you want to. These little kiddies take so much attention from you. But any time we can get is great! We definitely need to have more playdates!
After Anna's nap my mom came to get Anna and take her back to her house for the night. It was definitely quiet around the house when Chad got home from work. It was nice to be able to talk and have some adult conversation with him. It can be rare these days with having a 2 year old and a newborn! When we do get time by ourselves (no Anna, just Jackson) it reminds me just how important it is that we keep that up and make an effort to make time for each other. Just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I'm still not a wife!! :) By the way, while I'm talking about Chad I just need to say he is the most incredible father and husband! Always willing to help out and never complaining about it. I think one of the reasons this transition has gone so smoothly is because of him! Love you babe!
Oh, we were also able to take a tour of Lifetime Fitness that night (since we didn't have Anna). I think we're leaning towards joining in a couple months....I can't take Jackson until he's 3 months old. But that place is awesome. I knew I would be sold the minute I walked in there!

Well, I'm sitting here trying to think what in world I did on Thursday during the day. I have no clue. Maybe I just stayed at home all day. I'll just excuse my memory lapse to lack of sleep and taking care of two kids! That night my dad and Kathy (stepmom) came over to see Jackson and Anna. It is always great to visit with them.

Friday we had Jackson's 2 week check-up (even though he was one day away from being 3 weeks old). Everything went pretty well. Little bit of crying but not too much. I'm definitely getting a taste of what it's like to have a little boy. After coming back in the room from being weighed and measured he turned on his side and peed all over the sheets the nurse was writing on. Guess they're used to that...she just laughed it off. Now for the stats. Jackson weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces at birth. He weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces at his few days old check-up. Well, at this check-up he weighed 10 pounds 9 ounces. To quote the doctor, "He is a tank!" Guess I can put any questions to rest whether he's getting enough to eat. I think he's doing just fine. I defnitely need to get back in the gym if I'm going to be hauling this big boy around!

Saturday was my first outing with both Anna and Jackson (and just me). We went up to my mom's school to help her get some things ready in her classroom before school starts. After that we all went to lunch at Chick-fil-A. The day went well. Maybe I'll get enough nerve to take both of them to run errands soon. :)
Sorry this post was so long. I'll try to do a better job of keeping the blog updated so I don't have to write so much!