Monday, July 28, 2008

Mom of Two

Well, this past Friday was my first full day by myself with both Anna and Jackson. It went very well. This is probably because Jackson still likes to sleep a lot. Because he slept a lot I was able to give Miss Anna a good amount of attention. Also, Anna is pretty independent and can play on her own well. Now, I've only had one day on my own with them so we'll see how it continues to go. And I haven't attempted to take them both out. That's a whole different adventure!


The Fokens Family said...

Hello Ms. Mom of two....four if you include Sydney and Reagan!!
I'd love to stop by for a quick 1/2 hour this week sometime. Jackson is GROWING from the last time I saw him at the hospital!
I'm so glad your first real day alone with both your lil ones was great!

The Fokens Family said...

I forgot to add just how handsome Jackson is!! He still has your nose!

The Browns said...

Yeah for "Moms of TWO":). Glad things are going well. Jackson is so cute and Anna looks like such a proud big sis! Time to break out the doube stroller...

The Fokens Family said...

Enjoyed our visit this week. Miller LOVED playing with Ms. Anna! And, I soaked in every moment with Jackson. What a precious newborn!
Your family is so blessed to have him!!